So here goes the top 1. Of course this event arouses every person around this world – The Royal Wedding.

I can’t say any further because I guess right now everyone knows and talks about this historical wedding. Maybe I create another post about this special event. So, in this post I included a photo of Prince William and Princess Catherine share a kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace which was anticipated by thousand people around this world.
How lucky is Kate? I want to be a princess too. Luckily I found my own prince charming (I’m blushing….) Emmm… anyway, I wish this royal couple will have a blissful marriage and a lifetime happiness. Hooray for them!
2. The Royal Wedding Hats.
Haha.. say no more. So many gorgeous and weird hats (but I still love all of them). Why can’t fairies wear a hat like them?
3. Faerie potter
Last Monday I created a few beads and pendants made by clay. Actually, I wanted to make a key-chain and carved special dates on that key-chain. But then, there was so many clay left, so I decided to make something else. It was a fun project. Right now, I’m still waiting to see my pottery works. Hahaha… I asked someone else to heat the clay with proper technique because as you all know, I’m not a potter. I’m just a little dream fairy who always get lost throughout her journey.
4. So Supernatural
I can’t wait to see one of my favorite TV series – Supernatural. I’ve been saving two back-to-back episodes so that I can watch those two episodes without any disruption. Emm… maybe I can wait until I download another new episode so that I have three episodes. Yeay!
5. Pot… pot… pot… coffee pot
Lately, I read a lot about coffee set. Not because I’m a coffeeholic . No.. no.. I’m not planning to buy any coffee set either. I read and saw so many interesting and exciting history, facts and design about pottery, ceramic coffee set and so on because I helped my sister in correcting her thesis. That’s why if you all noticed, my sentences in this post are quite academical and a bit different from my usual writing style. Hahaha… But I must admit, I’m started to like pottery because when I saw most of the designs, they are marvelous and very inspiring.