Hello there… It’s been a while isn’t it? I had problem with my laptop last month T_T. I can’t do my works, can’t use the internet (+ downloading TV series & movies. hehe..), can’t play games and watch movies either, and came to worse, I don’t get to do almost anything… damn, what a dull life. The funny thing was I didn’t even go out because I don’t know where to go and what to do. And yet I’m complaining about it here in this post. I’m so lame….
But now, I have my new laptop. Yeay!!! I’m happy for me and you should too :) Actually today me and my friend ‘craved’ to go out -- we called it TYT - ‘treat yourself time’. What we wanted to do is shopping, eating and just hang out at some nice places or maybe go to salon. We really wanted to go out so badly because we felt really bored staying in the apartment.
At all times we were having a good time. Like last two months, our TYT was superb! No -- I’m not going to talk about it in this post because I think everyone has different ways of their own TYT. So, what’s the point to brag about my great time here. Am I right fellas?

Owh, there is one thing I wanted to share here. I’m happy that I bought this bra that month.

My friend bought it as well. It’s so cool, pretty, has bright colours, girlish, stylish and versatile too. It comes in two colours. Although it’s quite expensive but who cares… it was TYT hehe... that time when we bought those bras, there was a promotion ‘buy a pair and get discount for the 2nd pair’. We didn’t think twice (evil promotion! evil sale! evil promoter but she just did her job) so we just grab a pair for each of us and later we divided the sum of those two pairs and we got it cheaper. What a good deal we got.
This bra has a second string which I found it quite sweet and adorable

yet sexy. So, I can wear

this bra in different style. Cool isn’t it? If you’re interested, you can check Sloggi website. Maybe you will get more info there (and now who’s the one acting like a promoter. Haha)
Sadly, we can’t go out today. We don’t have any transportation. Huhu… I need my TYT. Maybe this coming Friday we can ‘redeem’ our happy TYT… hopefully there’s no problems occur. So, you guys out there maybe you can share your TYT time too. It is good for me to know that someone out there also having their own TYT. Like what we always hear, live your life to the fullest :) Till then… bye bye. Need to flap my wings and do my job.
~ Lost Faerie ~
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