Huweiii… ok girls or should I properly address every woman out there – ladies… come on, come on it is October. What so hype about October? Nothing ~ it just a BCA month and what is BCA? BCA = Breast Cancer Awareness. In support of BCA month, let’s wear the pink ribbon or whatever pink color you have. Pink -- dress, t-shirts, hat, shoes, handbag, scarf, shirts, pants, shorts, skirt emm… can we wear pink lipstick? Hehe… But please… do not dress everything in pink from head to toes. You will look ridiculous. Believe me in this (please mix up another colour like pink dress with white lines, pink glasses with a few diamonds). I saved you from a great disaster heee…
Okay, not only women can show their support for this awareness. Guys can take their part too. Men also can get breast cancer but very few cases were reported. As for women, breast cancer known as the #1 killer all around this globe. Watch out… “There’s a killer around you”
You know, we should really be aware about this matter. And for facts, breast cancer in women under 30 is uncommon, but it’s still can happen and it's never too early to be breast aware right? Ok then, what should we do? Emm… here’s what to look out for:
- Changes in the shape, size or feel of your breast.
- A new lump, or thickening in one breast, armpit or arm that feels different from the rest of your breast tissue.
- Any puckering, dimpling, scaling, discoloration or redness.
- Changes in the size, shape, colour or position of the nipples.
- Nipples discharge.
- Any unusual rash on your breast area.
- Pain or discomfort that is new to you and you only feels it on one side.
Easy isn't it? For more helps with BSE (Breast Self-Examination), you can always get to know the steps by referring to BSE pamphlets, campaign bookmarks which you can get from breast cancer centre, cancer research centre or you try Google it and download from the internet. Or you can simply go see and get advices and helps from your GP.
Remember, early prevention helps increasing the chance to reduce the risk of breast cancer. I wanted to share a quote which I can’t really remember where I’ve read it…
“A world without breast cancer is in our hands”

Lost Faerie in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month, by wanting to eat choc oreo sprinkled with pink little ribbons and i'm wearing a pink ribbon brooch (but not this one in the picture. it's too heavy for a little fairy like me)
~ Lost Faerie ~
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